The Inside Out Series

Michael Maisey (former armed robber)- Giving up addiction and life in prison

Susie Flory / Michael Maisey Season 2 Episode 3

Before introducing today’s guest, I just wanted to make you aware that this episode contains sensitive content, if your mental health is at risk, please avoid it.

I actually don’t think I have ever been so impressed by someone as I was when talking to Michael Maisey. It is safe to say, Michael's experience shows us that absolutely anything is possible. 

At the age of just 12, Michael was already smoking crack. As a teenager, he went on serve time in the Young Offenders institute on three different occasions first for robbery, then for assault, and finally- attempted murder. 

Now.. he is a  businessman, author, mentor, father, and firmly one of the most inspiring people I have ever met. He joins me today to talk about his story and the power of vulnerability. 

He shares that despite having every factor against him, and near to no support when hitting rock bottom he managed to turn his life completely around. If there is one thing you do today, it should be to purchase a copy of his book young offenders- it will completely change your life. 

Instagram @michaelmaisey
Twitter @Michael_Maisey