The Inside Out Series

Rob Eades - Fake it till you make it

January 06, 2021 Susie Flory / Rob Eades Season 2 Episode 7

Today’s guest is the wonderful Rob Eades, otherwise known as ‘The Lean Student Chef’. Rob spent some time in the alps during his gap year where he was asked to fill the role of a chalet boy. Despite having never actually cooked, he told his clients he was a bit of an esteemed chef and rose to the challenge. 

Ever since he really has become quite the cook and is on a mission to get students eating well on a budget - something I can really relate to. In this episode, He confirms that even the most successful people understand imposter syndrome! Above all, his get up and go to attitude is seriously contagious and he simply proves that anything is possible If you put your mind to it! When I spoke to Rob he was just about to go for a run in torrential rain which really sums him up- enjoy! 
